
Go therefore and make disciples of all nations

Matthew 28:19

As the world wakes back up from the fog of the recent years, our Missions Ministries and teams are coming back to life. Acts 1:8 instructs us to, “be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” To the Israelites in Jesus’s time, Jerusalem and Judea would have been their city and the surrounding area. Samaria would have been further from home. In the same way, First Corpus has missions ministries aimed at impacting our city, surrounding community, and the greater world.

Our church missions ministries are a great place to get connected to others in our church, to get your family serving together, and to make an impact on our community.

Active Missions Ministries

International Missions

There are several international ministries that we actively support:
  • Mexico: Support of Casa Hogar
  • Dominican Republic: Partner with STCH and IBQ
  • Operation Christmas Child (Shoebox Drive) through Samaritan's Purse

We support a number of other international ministries. Contact our office for a complete list.

Coastal Bend Missions

We have nine different local missions teams at
First Corpus, including:
  • Koinonia Homes Incorporated (Board of Directors)
  • Menger Elementary School Support Team
  • Homebound Team
  • Hammer Slammers Team
  • Sewing Ministry
  • First Baptist Food Pantry
  • Body of Christ Street Ministry
  • Missions For Life
  • Campus Meals Team